Imagery rescripting (ImRs) as a stand-alone treatment is gaining grounds in both clinical science and practice.
As part of an international consortium on ImRs (including researchers and clinicians) we aim to internationally disseminate up-to-date knowledge and skills on ImRs best practices. To this end we would like to create an online ImRs community for clinicians practicing ImRs. Because you are part of our target audience, we would very much like to get your input on this.
Could we get a couple of minutes of your time for answering the questions in this (anonymous) survey? Your responses will be taken into account and are highly appreciated!!
Could you please distribute this link to all your ImRs contacts and networks in any country?
On behalf of the ImRs consortium,
Remco van der Wijngaart, Julie Krans, Jarek Michalowski & Marleen Rijkeboer