In this webinar the function of play and the Happy Child Mode will be discussed, and some treatment techniques on how to work with this mode will be demonstrated.
Goal of this webinar is to inspire participants to be more aware of this important mode in therapy as well as to stimulate this side in ourselves as therapists…
For more information, take a look here.
The goal of the webinar is to make the participants feel more at ease with a patient being angry, learn to identify the mode that is showing the anger and feel more confident in using schema therapy methods and techniques to work with these modes. Participants may expect an interactive, lively webinar full of learning experiences.
For more information, take a look here.
Participants of the webinar will become acquainted with the process of clarifying the Healthy Adult Mode-concept to the patient. A straightforward step by step concept will be presented with which patients can learn to build on their healthy adult. Furthermore, the use of techniques that are con-sidered to be central to schema therapy, like chair work, will be shown as a way to strengthen the Healthy Adult mode of the patient.
For more information, take a look here.
This 1-hour webinar is specifically developed for Schema therapists who want learn or to refine their skills in the use of Chair work online. This webinar offers short introductions followed by 3 role play demonstrations showing 3 different variations how to do chairwork online.
You can watch the webinar here.
Imagery rescripting is generally regarded as one of the most effective techniques within schema therapy. It is also an effective stand-alone treatment for anxiety disorders such as Social Anxiety Disorder and PTSD. However, it is often difficult to apply this technique. In this webinar these challenging situations will be discussed and demonstrations will be provided how to deal with these situations.
For more information, take a look here.